
SureForm is the form engine for the SurePath Network. It allows us to create and modify bond forms. It is used in two main ways.

  • InSure Vision’s Bond Librarians use SureForm to create all the bond forms in our extensive library. First, they take a hardcopy of the bond form and scan it into a common computer graphic format. They then use that graphic file to lay out the form by dragging and dropping data fields from SurePath. The Librarian then formats the fields, before assigning the form to a rate code and publishing it to the Network. At that point it is available to all users on the SurePath Network.
  • Agencies, clients, and underwriters can then use SureForm to view and print bonds. Agencies can even use SureForm to edit data in the bond form and add annotations to the bond form before execution.
  • SureForm can be used for remote printing. An agency can execute the bond and a client with SureForm and a SurePath Network logon can use the Internet to access the bond from their office and print it.
  • Our Bond Form Library currently contains over 12,000 Bond Forms. If we don’t have a form in the Library, we can usually post it to the Network within a week. All SurePath Network users have access to these forms. Current plans include the ability to create private bond forms. SurePath includes expanded search capabilities to find and view the hundreds of forms.

SureForm is required for viewing and processing bonds. The current version is 3.6.95. SureForm is compatible with Microsoft Windows 2000 through Windows 10 and Internet Explorer versions 6 through 11.